Why Problems Are Good In Your Ecom Business
August 14, 2018 8:37 am
Hey Guys, Aaron here!
I just want to make a little video. It’s becoming a bit of a habit: me sat on benches talking about insights that I have been finding in my own life and my own business.
Throughout the day, if I’ve been working hard, I just take half an hour and I just come and have a little think and share an insight with you.
One of which recently is problems when they come up, most people think, “Ah, they’re right pain in the ass!” But, they are actually gold, if you think about it, problems are a sign of, they are an indication, they are like a symptom that there is something not right.
What I did for years and years is just fix them the first time and then walk away. I put out the fire and don’t get to the root cause of what keeps causing the problem in the first place.
That’s what I see, by habit, just by default that’s how most of us are built. We just go to the most urgent, put the fire out and then turn around and then do something else. Instead of becoming investigative to figure out why did the fire begin and how do we prevent it from ever happening again.
Problems are absolute gold if you take the time to sit down after an issue has come up and just collect all the issues in a week which happen, whether it’s your customer service staff, or your inventory management.
All these little problems, issues that come up stem from a system or procedure not in place or being efficient. You can go and create that procedure or adjust the procedure to make sure that it happens more effective next time or prevents the complete fire from happening completely.
This is the same way with recurring tasks that you don’t want to do. Dive in deep and figure out all these problems that come up, whether it’s personal, could be in your health, could be your own business, could be your finances. Dig deep and figure out what is actually going on. What‘s the root cause of it and how can you fix it so it doesn’t ever happen again.
It is really about just identifying that initial fire that comes up and figuring out, “Okay why is this happening? What’s the root cause of this?” Go in deeper and really figure out what is actually going on at the root level.
A lot of the times it’s just a simple procedure. It’s just handing it to somebody in your team so you never have to deal with that issue when it comes up again.
This should be an ongoing process as well, if you can become a systems engineer. If you think about it your whole life is a series, collection of systems like hundreds or thousands of systems.
If your job is to basically define all these systems, identify them first and basically build them so they become more effective and just tweak them. You can be like a tinkerer, a watchmaker tweaking all the processes in your life.
So that’s a little insight. I hope it was helpful. It really helped me recently and it’s given me a new perspective on how we see our lives. It’s a complete collection of thousands and thousands of systems in your own life let alone the millions of systems that touch your life on a daily basis.
That’s it for today guys, hope it was helpful. Take care now.
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