For Beginners – Systems & Routines To Set You Free
November 26, 2017 7:12 am
Why is it important to have clarity on the fundamentals when building your Amazon / E-Commerce business?
If you don’t have Systems, Rhythms and Routines then the company is bottle necked by the leader.
Why does this happen?
Because they are not outsourcing or systemizing.
This causes an issue because it can stop the business from growing past a certain point.
What usually happens if there is no structure and systems?
Nothing gets done. Things take forever and there is chaos throughout.
But there is an alternative…
…When there are Systems, Rhythms and Routines to drive execution and results. Here is an overview of some of the basics:
Processes – A business process is a collection of related structured tasks that produce a specific outcome. A good example for this would be your Support Ninja doing customer service responses.
Procedures – The exact step by step on how to do a specific task. Unlike processes which are more high level, procedures show you the granular details of each steps/tasks. In the case of your Support Ninja answering customer service emails, the procedure is the exact document of the step by step process so he/she can follow for the specific tasks.
System – A set of detailed processes, procedures and routines created to carry out a specific activity to reach an outcome or solve a problem.
Let’s take as an example, the customer service responses to Amazon customers, which is a process. The ‘Customer Love’ system is all of the different processes which play a part in delivering an amazing experience to the customers. This could vary from answering customer emails, answering reviews on Amazon, answering Facebook messages or answering any customer facing touchpoints for the company. It is a collection of processes which deliver excellence to customers across many touch points.
When you have regular workshops style meetings, (where every member of the team connects in a highly productive workshop), it can create strong accountability, high morale and you’re able to build on a great culture.
P.S. When you are ready, there are 4 more ways we can help you.
- Get access to ‘The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Creating a Well Oiled Product Launch Machine.’ It shows you how to launch products fast, get stuff off your plate & get organised. It’s FREE and you can grab it HERE.
- Join our Group – ‘Email Marketing for Amazon & eCommerce’. It’s our community where biz owners learn to get stuff off their plates, get organised and unlock cash flow in their email lists while building a real relationship with their audience.
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- Apply for our ‘Done For You’ Email Marketing Agency. I’m working closely with 7/8 figure brands to and turn their email lists into thriving profit centres by driving sales on and off Amazon. We’re driving page 1 rankings, 5 star reviews and long term value of your customers…Without this being an additional expense. (Pay As You Profit).
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