The Master Model From The Preloaded Year™
March 18, 2018 2:15 pm
Now, I’m gonna talk about the Master Model from The Pre-Loaded Year.
I’m just gonna draw a very quick model for you guys so we can get super clear on what this means.
This is the Master Model for today’s session, this is called the Harmonious Quadrant. It’s a beautiful model that really engages different aspects of what’s needed to optimise your business, and like I said, the keyword to this is how to optimise.
It all starts with your destination, being clear on the end, getting clear on where you wanna go. This is what we talked about already, how you get clear on the outcomes that you want and really understand what it looks like when they are complete. Have a clear understanding on how your business looks like when it’s successful and when it’s finished.
So, get clear on your destination, where you wanna go.
And then, take full responsibility. This is gonna be absolutely key in creating an optimised business, owning your power. What I mean by that is a lot of people do not take responsibility, and that includes me personally, it’s what I used to do as well. A few years ago, I used to play the victim or I used to not take responsibility for certain areas of my business. For instance, Amazon takes a listing down and it impacts sales and I blame Amazon and I get annoyed.
Yes, it’s annoying, but take full responsibility because ultimately everybody knows the risk of just setting up on Amazon. So, the point is, own everything in your life, everything in your life is happening for you and because of you.
I would argue, everything in your life is your fault, positive and negative, you have to take credit for the positive and own up to the negative. Taking full responsibility in your business helps you identify what you’re best at, and being honest about what you’re not very good, which helps you focus on developing in certain areas or employing somebody who does it better that you so you can focus on your strengths.
Take full responsibility and ownership of the clear destination of your business. It creates conviction because you know where you wanna go and you’re not leaving things to chance. Now, you got clarity, confidence and conviction on where and how to make that happen when you take full responsibility and you have collaboration to make that happen.
I want to talk to you on what collaboration means here.
Who can you collaborate with in your team? In your peer group? Who can you collaborate with in terms of your support network?
Collaboration is really, really important to get the support and the accountability that you need to drive forward in your business, right?
So if you take full responsibility, saying here are the exact things that we need to work on, then you go and get the support that you need. You have the support network to collaborate with, perhaps the people already in your team, or you can hire somebody else that has the skills to help you. All business succeed with various collaborations, internally and externally.
When you take full responsibility and you’re building collaboration, you get synergy. The synergy to move you towards the outcome of your business. When you have movement in your business, what I mean specifically by this is not being perfect.
Perfection is the enemy of progress, so what I’m saying here is all about taking action.
Yes, we’ve got collaboration but we need to actually take that in to action by taking imperfect action. This came up recently with a client, a great client called Caroline. Basically, Caroline was struggling with the idea that it needed to be perfect, it needed to be complete, and I was like it needs to be 80% good, then you can always improve later on. Just get it started. It doesn’t have to be perfect and that’s what I mean by movement.
When you have collaboration and movement you get, momentum. Momentum is, as you guys have seen it on Amazon and in business, it’s incredible. When you start to pick up momentum, let’s say when you launch a new product, and get get those sales coming in, things begin to work and build up, that’s what we want.
When we have collaboration and movement in creates extreme momentum. That is one of my favorite words. Honestly, I love the word optimise but momentum for me is powerful, there’s nothing worse than losing momentum, and when you’re picking up momentum it’s so, so exciting.
When you have movement and destination, then you get progress, which is what we are all about.
As you can see guys, when you put destination, responsibility, collaboration and movement, it gives you progress. It gives you conviction of where you wanna go. It gives you synergy to move towards the outcomes with your team because if any one says, they’re self-made man or woman, they’re lying.
Frankly, there’s nobody who made it on their own. There’s always a team or their support network, a group of coaches, mentors, a bunch of books or peer group, friends and family. There’s always people supporting.
It creates momentum towards the progress that you want. So, ultimately all these equal the optimization of your business and this can be referred back to as a guide. Each week this should be used to really connect you with the planning process of getting clear on where you wanna go, owning responsibility, who you collaborating with and are you taking the right actions.
I hope that makes sense and I hope that was clear on how we can use this model for 2018 and beyond.
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